A violation of the 6th "do" from Nick Babich's Do's and Don'ts of Web Design.
Framing a project in a story format allows for certain aspects of a project to be better seen as connected and flow together. By combining storytelling with user experiance, one can control both the understanding of the user and the users progression through the page. By looking at a project not based in story from the perspective of a story, various differnt aspects one may ot have thought of at first may become obvious, and parts that seemed useful or required may be discoverd to not be needed or that a different location would be better.
Hierarchy in a webpage can be established in various ways, one being typographic design. The size of text is the first idea most will think of, second likely being color. Other ways type can establish hierarchy is changing font classification (serif vs sans serif etc.) or by the weight given to each letter within a typeset.
A good example of Hierarchy through typeface and placement is the online streaming platform twitch.tv.
When someone spends a significant amount of time playing Dungeons and Dragons, Pathfinder or other table-top roleplaying games and ends up running games rather than playing, there will come a time when they will look for a better option than paper for combat tracking. Using paper works, but when combat actions begin taking more effort from the dungeon master the last thing they want to worry about is losing track of someone's action, health, turn, etc. Now there are various other sites and physical methods that attempt to resolve this issuse but all fall short in one aspect or another. The best trackers out there are built into online only table-top systems, or limit the creativity of the dungeon master in one way or another. My website aims to acheive the quality of the combat trackers present in online-only table-top systems while remaining open for the creativity of the dungeon master to shine through. Success will initally be measured by my own playtesting to discover issues and whether or not the site helps both speed up and keep better track of combat than other methods. After reaching a point I find of high enough quality, success will be measuered by use from other DM's besides myself.